b'PAR 4, FIRST HOLENOTES:a: C reate a new LaunCh poInt for theL akewood experIenCewhere the praCtICe area and puttIng green form an arrIvaLsequenCe that deveLops a sense of greatness . u tILIze theparkIng garage to provIde CrItICaL spaCe to theC Lub In everyfaCet PAR 4, FIRST HOLENOTES:a: C reate a new LaunCh poInt for theL akewood experIenCeb:L oCate a new venue tee at the edge of the praCtICewhere the praCtICe area and puttIng green form an arrIvaLputtIng green for maxImum setup dIstanCesequenCe that deveLops a sense of greatness . u tILIze theparkIng garage to provIde CrItICaL spaCe to theC Lub In everyC:e stabLIsh the new maIn tees In a LIne from the exIstIngfaCetpraCtICe greens-shIftIng the aLIgnment of the hoLe sLIghtLy b: L oCate a new venue tee at the edge of the praCtICerIghtputtIng green for maxImum setup dIstanCe d:s Ituate the forward tees aLong the naturaL spIne andC:e stabLIsh the new maIn tees In a LIne from the exIstIngutILIze the Creek as a naturaL assetpraCtICe greens-shIftIng the aLIgnment of the hoLe sLIghtLyrIghte:r eaLIgn the Cart path to servICe the tees and remaIn ashIdden as possIbLe ,usIng the naturaL Low to transfer the pathd:s Ituate the forward tees aLong the naturaL spIne andfrom the rIght to the Left sIde of the hoLeutILIze the Creek as a naturaL asset f:e:C r ea a more expansI but thoughtfu LandIng zonereate the Cart path ve servICe the tees L remaIn asLIgn to andwIth as possIbLe ,that the Low y a thoffset bunkers usIng provIde strateg and bend to thehIdden naturaL totransfertheparIght the rIght to the Left sIde of the hoLefrom f:C reateg:p roteCtamoreexpansIvebutthoughtfuLLandIngzonethe Long setup dIstanCe on#2wIth sIgnIfICantwIth offset bunkers that provIde strategy and a bend to thefILL and bunker sLopes to twIst the aLIgnmentrIght h:s hIft the green sIte baCk roughLy60yards to near theg:p roteCt the Long setup dIstanCe on#2wIth sIgnIfICantCurrent17 th green and sItuate It on the naturaL hIghI fILL and bunker sLopes to twIst the aLIgnment I:h:u se hummoCks( broken mounds )and to to thes hIft the green sIte baCk roughLy60yards near aratebunkers sepand joIn the returnIng hoLes It on the naturaL hIghCurrent17 th green and sItuatePAR 4, FIRST HOLE INOTES: I:u se hummoCks( broken mounds )and bunkers to separatea: C reate a new LaunCh poInt for theL akewood experIenCewhere the praCtICe area and puttIng green form an arrIvaL and joIn the returnIng hoLessequenCe that deveLops a sense of greatness Master Plan Membership PresentatHionparkIng garage to provIde CrItICaL spaCe to . u tILIze the GtheC Lub In everyfaCetL oCate a new venue tee at the edge of the praCtICe Hb:green for maxImum setup dIstanCe GputtIngC:the new maIn tees In a LIne from the exIst FHole #1Ing ar 4e stabLIshpraCtICe greens-shIftIng theaLIgnment of the hoLePsLIghtLyrIght d:s Ituatethe forward tees aLongthe naturaL spIneandutILIzetheCreek as a naturaLasset F e:r eaLIgn the Cart path to servICe the tees and remaIn ashIdden NOTES: the naturaL Low to transfer the pathas possIbLe ,usIngfrom the rIght to the Left sIde of the hoLe f:A:Create a new launch point for the Lakewood experience where the C reatea more expansIve but thoughtfuL LandIng zonewIthoffset bunkers that provIde strategy and a bend to therIght practice area and putting green form an arrival sequence that developsg:p roteCt the Long setup dIstanCe on#2wIthss. Utilize the parking garage to provide critical space fILLand a sense of greatne sIgnIfICantbunker sLopes to twIst the aLIgnment h:s hIft to the Club in everyfacet the green sIte baCk roughLy60yards to near theCurrent17 th green and sItuate It on the naturaL hIghII:B:Locate a new venue tee at the edge of the practice putting green for u se hummoCks( broken mounds )and bunkers to separateand joIn the returnIng hoLes Emaximum setup distance EG H C:Establish the new main tees in a line from the existing practice greensshifting the alignment of the hole slightly right D:Situate the forward tees along the natural spine and utilize the creek as F a natural asset D DE:Realign the cart path to service the tees and remain as hidden as possible, using the natural low to transfer the path from the right to the oncePT reen oncePT reenleft side of the holeC C c gc gF:Create a more expansive but thoughtful landing zone with offset E bunkers that provide strategy and a bend to the rightA Green ConceptG:Protect the long setup distance on #2 with significant fill anA B d bunkerT ee e xisTing P roPosedT ee e xisTing P roPosedB B lack 420yardsslopes to twist the alignmentB g 329390yardsold yards 420yardsTee lack Existing ProposedD old 308yards 390yardsg B 329yards 370yardslueH:Shift the green site back roughly 60 yards to near the current 17 thgreenBlack BW308yards 420 YardshiTe 370yardslue 296yards 340yardsand situate it on the natural highW ed296y ards 315yardsr 287y ards 340yardshiTeGold g reen329 Yards 390 YardsC 300yardsr ed 287yards 315yardsoncePT reenI:Use hummocks (broken mounds) and bunkers to separate and join theBlue g reen308 Yards370 Yards300yardsreturning holesc g White 296 Yards 340 YardsA T ee e xisTing P roPosedB B lack420yards Red 287 Yards 315 Yardsg old 329yards 390yardsB lue 308yards 370yards Green 300 YardsW hiTe296yards 340yardsr ed 287yards 315yardsg reen300yards12'