b'PAR 4, TENTH HOLENOTES:a:p rovIde optIons for a super seCret baCk tee In the shortgrass of the new9 th b:b uILd a set of tees aLong the LIne of pLay that offers avarIety of tee PAR 4, TENTH HOLEdIstanCes to the new LandIngNOTES:a:p rovIde optIons for a super seCret baCk tee In the shortC:e xtend forward tees CLose to the start of the faIrway grass of the new9 th d:L eave spaCe for potentIaL addItIonaL maIntenanCe parkIngb:b uILd a set of tees aLong the LIne of pLay that offers aIn the Center of the C Ces to new LandIngvarIety of tee dIstan ourse the e: C:s eCart CL toto startthe spaCe forhIft theforwardtees LL rIghtthe utILIze more Irway xtend path we ose of fafaIrwaythed:L eave spaCe for potentIaL addItIonaL maIntenanCe parkIngIn the Center of the Coursef:p rovIde a wIde faIrway that asks the pLayer to shorten the hoLe by pLayIng Left or Look for greater vIsIbILIty of thee:s hIft the Cart path weLL rIght to utILIze more spaCe forfLag from the rIghtthe faIrway g:p LaCe one key bunker aLong the Left sIde of the dogLegf:p rovIde a wIde faIrway that asks the pLayer to shortento ChaLLenge the best pLayers and set ana Lps CondItIon wherethe hoLe by pLayIng Left or Look for greater vIsIbILIty of thethe green from the Left sIde of the faIrwayfLag fromthe be hIddenwILL rIght g:p L Ckeybunker aphy to make thethe aC andh: u s aCe one ksaLong ofdogLh hummo and topogr theLeftsIde appro egto ChaLLenge best and set ana Lps CondItIon wheregreen surround unIquethe pLayersthe green wILL be hIdden from the Left sIde of the faIrwayI:p LaCe the new green on the ground In an InterestIngh: u s hummoCks and topography to make the approaCh andmanner and reCeIve shots roLLIng Into the target-wIth agreen surround unIqueweaLth of reCovery optIons surroundIng I:p LaCe the new green on the ground In an InterestIngmanner and reCeIve shots roLLIng Into the target-wIth aweaLth of reCovery optIons surroundIngPAR 4, TENTH HOLENOTES:a:p rovIde optIons for a super seCret baCk tee In the Ishortgrassof the new9 thMaster Plan Membership Presentationb:b uILd a set of tees aLong the LIne of pLay that offers avarIety of tee dIstanCes to the new LandIng I C:e xtend forward tees CLose to the start of the faIrway HIn the of the Course rIght to utILIze more spaCe forPar 4d:Hole #10G HL eave spaCe for potentIaL addItIonaL maIntenanCe parkIngCenter e:s hIftthe Cart path weLLthefaIrway f:p rovIde a wIde faIrwaythat asks the pLayer to shortenthe hoLe by pLayIng Left or Look for greater vIsIbILIty of the G FfLag from the rIghtNOTES: aLong the Left sIde of the dogLegg:p LaCe one key bunker and set ana Lps CondItIon where Fto ChaLLenge the best pLayersthe A:Provide options for a super-secret back tee in the short grass of the green wILL be hIdden from the Left sIde of the faIrway h: u s new 9 thhole to make the approaCh andhummoCks and topographygreensurround unIque I:B:Build a set of tees along the line of play that offers a variety of tee p LaCethe new green on the ground In an InterestIngmanner and reCeIve shots roLLIng Into the target-wIth a EweaLth of distances to the new landingEreCovery optIons surroundIngC:Extend forward tees close to the start of the fairway I D:Leave space for potential additional maintenance parking in the center of the course H E:Shift the cart path well right to utilize more space for the fairway D DF:Provide a wide fairway that asks the player to shorten the hole by G F playing left or look for greater visibility of the flag from the right C CG:Place one key bunker along the left side of the dogleg to challenge the best players and set an alps condition where the green will be hidden oncePT reen oncePT reenE from the left side of the fairwayBH:Use hummocks and topography to make the approach and green c gc gBsurround uniqueGreen ConceptT ee e xisTing P roPosedT e P yardsA eexisTing roPosedI:Place the new green on the ground in an interesting manner andB lack 415 D A B g 391375yardsold yards 415yardsTee lack Existing Proposedreceive shots rolling into the target with a wealth of recovery optionsg B 391yards 355yardsold 371yards 375yardslueBlack lue 347yards 415 YardsC surrounding BW371yards 345yardshiTe 355yardsr ed 323yards 345yardsW hi347y 325yardsTe ardsGold g reen391 Yards 375 Yards305yardsr ed 323yards 325yardsoncePT reenB Blue g reen371 Yards355 Yards305yards c gWhite 347 Yards 345 YardsT ee e xisTing P roPosedA B lack415yards Red 323 Yards 325 Yardsg old 391yards 375yardsB lue 371yards 355yards Green 305 YardsW hiTe347yards 345yardsr ed 323yards 325yardsg reen305yards21'