b'PAR 4, TWELFTH HOLENOTES:a:p rovIde opportunItIes to pLay a baCk tee from the mIddLetee on the8 th hoLe b:p LaCe maIn tees on the topo In graCefuL ways to estabLIsha LIne of pLay PAR 4, TWELFTH HOLE9 th hoLethat Is sImILar to the way the CurrentpLays NOTES:a:p rovIde opportunItIes to pLay a baCk tee from the mIddLetee on the8 th hoLeC:s hIft the Cart path and ConneCt to the new routIng sothat It Is weLL - hIdden and funCtIonaL waystoestabLIshb:p LaCe maIn tees on the topo In graCefuLa LIne of pLay that Is sImILar to the way the Current9 th hoLed:m aIntaIn the IntegrIty of the Current9 th hoLe throughpLays prImary LandIng zoneI the s hIft the Cart path and ConneCt to the new routIng soC: It - to onaLe:that r IsweLL hIddenandfunCtI hoLd onLy one ImpressIve bunkerework the rIght sIde d:m aIntaIn the IntegrIty of the Current9 th hoLe throughf:e LImInate and reorganIze a seCtIon of the maIntenanCethe prImary LandIng zoneI Compound to provIde muCh - needed wIdth aLong the seCond haLf of#9 H e:r ework the rIght sIde to hoLd onLy one ImpressIve bunker g:m e the Long pLayer from every tee use theIr bestakef:LImInate and reorganIze a seCtIon of the maIntenanCejudgment provIde a - bunker In the seCond h Lfto negotIate new Cross wIdth aLong the aC haCompoundto muCh needed approof#9 H G h:u se a few hummoCks to proteCt the Left sIde and heLp g:m ake Long pLayer from every tee use theIr besthoLd mIshIt shotsthejudgment to negotIate a new Cross bunker In the approaCh I:sG h:hIft the green so that It better reCeIves a range ofu se a few hummoCks toproteCt the Left sIde and heLpshots and provIdes a hIgher LeveL of varIety wIth the hoLehoLd mIshIt shotsF LoCatIons I:s hIft the green so that It better reCeIves a range ofshots and provIdes a hIgher LeveL of varIety wIth the hoLeF LoCatIonsPAR 4, TWELFTH HOLENOTES:a:p rovIde opportunItIes to pLay a baCk tee from the mIddLetee on the8 th hoLeMaster Plan Membership Presentationb:p LaCe maIn tees on the topo In graCefuL ways to estabLIsha LIne of pLay that Is sImILar to the way the Current9 th hoLepLays C:s hIft the Cart path and ConneCt to the new routIng soHole onLy9 th hoLe through E EI that It - hIdden and of#12 Par 4Is weLL funCtIonaLd:m aIntaIn the IntegrIty theCurrenttheprImaryLandIng zone e:r ework the rIght sIdeto hoLd oneImpressIve bunker f:e LImInate and reorganIze a seCtIon of the maIntenanCeCompound to provIde muCh - needed wIdth aLong the seCond haLfH of#9NOTES: g:m ake the Long pLayer from every tee use theIr bestA:Provide opportunities to play a back tee from the middle tee on the judgment to negotIate a new Cross bunker In the approaChG h:u se a few hummoCks to proteCt the Left sIde and heLphoLd mIshIt 8 th hole shots I:B:Place main tees on the topo in graceful ways to establish a line of play s hIft the green so that It better reCeIves a range ofshotsand provIdes a hIgher LeveL of varIety wIth the hoLeF LoCatIons that is similar to the way the current 9 thhole plays C:Shift the cart path and connect to the new routing so that it is well-hidden and functional DD:Maintain the integrity of the current 9th hole through the primary Dlanding zone E E:Rework the right side to hold only onCe impressive bunker CF:Eliminate and reorganize a section of the maintenance compound to provide much-needed width along the second half of #9 G:Make the long player from every tee use their best judgment to oncePT reen oncePT reennegotiate a new cross bunker in the approachBH:Use a few hummocks to protect the left side and help hold mishit shots c gc gBD Green ConceptI:Shift the green so that it better receives a range of shots and providesT ee e xisTing P roPosedT ee e xisTing P roPosedahigher level of variety with the hole locations B lack 565yardsA B g 164540yardsold yards 565 C Tee lack Existing ProposedyardsA g B 164yards 520yardsold 141yards 540yardslueBlack BW141y 565 YardshiTe ards 520yardslue 123yards 480yardsr 103yards 480yardsW ed123yards 430yardshiTeGold g reen164 Yards 540 Yards390yardsr ed 103yards 430yardsoncePT reen ards 390yardsB Blue g reen141 Y 520 Yards c gWhite 123 Yards 480 YardsT ee e xisTing P roPosedB lack565yards Red 103 Yards 430 YardsA g old 164yards 540yardsB lue 141yards 520yards Green 390 YardsW hiTe123yards 480yardsr ed 103yards 430yardsg reen390yards23'