b'PAR 3, THIRD HOLENOTES:a: o n oCCasIon ,the styLe of shot requIred to pLay thIs newpar3Can be Changed by the utILIzatIon of thIs uLtImate rear tee b:p Lant a few new trees aLong the rIght sIde of the tees toprovIde a buffer PAR 3, THIRD HOLE20yardsto the new4 th hoLe that has shIftedaway NOTES:a: o n oCCasIon ,the styLe of shot requIred to pLay thIs newpar3Can be Changed by the utILIzatIon of thIs uLtImate rear teeC:r oLL faIrway turf from the2 nd approaCh through atrough to the3 rd maIn tees to enhanCe the waLkIng experIenCeb:p Lant a few new trees aLong the rIght sIde of the tees toprovIde a buffer to the new4 th hoLe that has shIfted20yardsd:p LaCe the forward tees In a LIne from a sLIghtLy moreawayangLe of pLayreCeptIveC:r oLL faIrway turf from the2 nd approaCh through atrough to the3 rd maI wIth path stayse:s ervICe the new nteestoenhanCethewaLkIngexperIenCe toaLIgnment a Cart that the outsIde of the propertyd:p LaCe the forward tees In a LIne from a sLIghtLy morereCeptIve angLe of pLayf:p rovIde an adequate approaCh that aLLows for baLLs tobe hIt aLong the ground and run Into thIs modest Length par3 e:s ervICe the new aLIgnment wIth a Cart path that stays totheoutsIdeoftheproperty H g:d eveLop a puttIng surfaCe that offers a range of hoLe f:p and an adequate-a r Ch t f baLLs to andLoCatIons rovIde seLeCtIons a ange of aLLowsfor bunkersshot appro tha LankIngbe aLong of the green modest Length par3 mounds guard the openIng run Into thIshIt thegroundand H g:L d of a green Is a L Ce ChI Ing a of byh:eve the pp area framed savIngG LoCat ong Lop puttIngsurfa ow thatoffers range hoLeIons and shot seLeCtIons-a range of fLankIng bunkers andmoundsmounds guard the openIng of the green G h:L ong of the green Is a Low ChIppIng area framed by savIngmounds FPAR 3, THIRD HOLENOTES:a: o n oCCasIon ,the styLe of shot requIred to pLay thIs newpar3Can be Changed by the utILIzatIon of thIs uLtImate rear teeFMaster Plan Membership Presentationb:p Lant a few new trees aLong the rIght sIde of the tees toprovIde a buffer to the new4 th hoLe that has shIfted20yardsaway C:r oLL faIrway turf from the2 nd approaCh through atrough the3 rd maIn tees to enhanCe the waLkIng experIenCeHole #3to E Etod:p LaCe the forward tees In a LIne from a sLIghtLyPar 3morereCeptIve angLe ofpLay e:s ervICe thenew aLIgnment wIth aCart path that staystheoutsIde of the property f:p rovIde an adequate approaCh that aLLows for baLLs tobe hIt NOTES: and run Into thIs modest Length par3 aLong the ground H g:d eveLop a puttIng surfaCe that offers a range of hoLeLoCatIons and shot seLeCtIons-a range of fLankIng bunkers and Dmounds A:On occasion, the style of shot required to play this new par 3 can be guard the openIng of the green Dh:L ong changed by the utilization of this ultimate rear tee G of the green Is a Low ChIppIng area framed by savIngmoundsB:Plant a few new trees along the right side of the tees to provide a buffer to the new 4 thhole that has shifted 20 yards away C:Roll fairway turf from the 2 ndapproach through a trough to the 3 rdmain F CCtees to enhance the walking experienceBBD:Place the forward tees in a line from a slightly more receptive angle ofplay E E:Service the new alignment with a cart path that stays to the outside of the property D F:Provide an adequate approach that allows for balls to be hit along the ground and run into this modest length par 3 G:Develop a putting surface that offers a range of hole locations and shotoncePT reenoncePT reenselectionsa range of flanking bunkers and mounA ds guard the opening c gc gAC B of the green Green ConceptT ee e xisTing P roPosedH:Long of the green is a low chipping area framed by saving moundsT ee e xisTing P roPosedB lack 205yardsB lack452165yardsyards 205yardsTee g old Existing Proposedg B 452y ards 165yardslue 431y ards 145yardsoldBlack BW431y 205 YardshiTe ards 145yardslue 411yards 125yardsr ed 344yards 125yardsW hi411y 105yardsTe ardsGold g reen452 Yards 165 Yards90yardsr ed 344yards 105yardsoncePT reenBlue g reen431 Yards145 Yards90yardsAc gWhite 411 Yards 125 YardsT ee e xisTing P roPosedB lack205yards Red 344 Yards 105 Yardsg old 452yards 165yardsB lue 431yards 145yards Green 90 YardsW hiTe411yards 125yardsr ed 344yards 105yardsg reen90yards14'