b'PAR 4, SIXTH HOLENOTES:a:u tILIze the seCond haLf of the prevIous fourth hoLe toCreate a dynamIC and fun par4that uses aLL eLements otherthan the tee shot on the prevIous par5 - s hIft the LIne of pLayweLL rIght and posItIon a maxImum setup tee on the edge of theCreek PAR 4, SIXTH HOLEembankment NOTES:a:u tILIze the seCond haLf of the prevIous fourth hoLe tob:L oCate a maIn tee aLong the rIght - hand portIon of theCreate a dynamIC and fun par4that uses aLL eLements otheravaILabLe spaCe and ConneCt It to#5green wIth a faIrway apronthan the tee shot on the prevIous par5 - s hIft the LIne of pLayweLL rIght and posItIon a maxImum setup tee on the edge of theC:d eveLop aC omforts tatIon LoCatIon In the heart of theCreek embankmentportIon of the property to be utILIzed by a varIety ofsouthernb: L oCate a maIn tee aLong the rIght - hand portIon of thehoLesavaILabLe spaCe and ConneCt It to#5green wIth a faIrway apron d: g enerate a new LIne of pLay for the mIddLe and forwardC:d eveLop aC omforts tatIon LoCatIon In the heart of thetees that aLLows the prImary LandIng zone to rest In thesouthern portIon of the property to be utILIzed by a varIety ofnaturaL topographyhoLese:s hIft the Cart path to the outer edge of pLay for mored: g enerate a new LIne of pLay for the mIddLe and forwardusabLe spaCe away from the boundary torestInthetees that aLLows the prImary LandIng zonenaturaL topographyf:p Lant a serIes of trees aLong the property edge and Intoe:s hIft guard the edge and dI edge p p ypLay to further Cart path to the outer reCt of y to formorethe La La the rIghtusabLe spaCe away from the boundary g:uLI f:se a serIes of of akewood bunkers staked aLong thep Lant serIes trees property edge andLeft sIde to a strategyaLong the extent of the IntodeveLop aLong the LandIngpLay to further guard the edge and dIreCt pLay to the rIghtzone g:uLI h:p seaserIesof on akewood bunkersstakedaLongtheLaCe a bunker the front Left that makes a pLayerLeft sIde to deveLop strategy aLong the extent of the LandIngrespeCt It-but does not CLose off the runway Into the front ofzoneH the target- r ework the puttIng surfaCe to be sLender and deep so h:t a varIety of hoe the front Left t Ired aaytha p LaCe a bunker L LoCatIons yIeLd Insp pL pLayeron tha makesrespeCt It-but does not CLose off the runway Into the front ofPAR 4, SIXTH HOLE I:theL oop - r path the ng rear begreenand tIeework puttI surf of the IntoH targetCart around the aCeto sLenderand deepNOTES:a:u tILIze the seCond haLf of the prevIous fourth hoLe to so that a var Le-hoLe LoCatIons y for InspIred pLay propertythe new7 th ho of Ider optIons IeLd avaILabLe CLubIety ConsCreate a dynamIC and fun par4that uses aLL eLements other the greenbehIndthan the tee shot on the prevIous par5 - s Master Plan Membership Presentation I:L oop Cart path around the rear of the green and tIe IntohIft the LIne of pLayweLL rIght and posItIon a maxImum setup tee on the edge of theCreek embankment the new7 th hoLe-ConsIder optIons for avaILabLe CLub propertybehInd the greenb:L oCate a maIn tee aLong the rIght - hand portIon of theavaILabLe spaCe and ConneCt It to#5green wIth a faIrway apronC:aC omforts tatIon LoCatIon In the heart of PHole #6the ar 4 Gd eveLopsouthern portIon of the property to be utILIzed by a varIety ofhoLes d: g enerate a new LIne of pLay for the mIddLeand forwardteesthat aLLows the prImary LandIng zone torest In the GnaturaL topographyFe:NOTES: to the outer edge of pLay for mores hIft the Cart pathusabLespaCe away from the boundary F f:to A:a Utilize the second half of the previous fourth hole to create a dynamic p Lant serIes of trees aLong the property edge and IntopLay further guard the edge and dIreCt pLay to the rIghtu se a and fun par 4 that uses all elements other than the tee shot on the I g:serIes ofL akewood bunkers staked aLong theLeft sIde to deveLop strategy aLong the extent of the LandIng Ezone previous par 5. Shift the line of play well right and position a maximum Eh:p LaCe a setup tee on the edge of the creek embankment bunker on the front Left that makes a pLayerrespeCt It-but does not CLose off the runway Into the front ofH thetargetr ework the puttIng surfaCe to be sLender and deep e right-hand portion of the available space so B: Locate a main tee along th - that a varIety of hoLeLoCatIons yIeLd InspIred pLay I:L oop and connect it to #5 green with a fairway apron Cart path around the rear of the green and tIe Intothe new7 th hoLe-ConsIder optIons for avaILabLe CLub propertybehInd the greenC:Develop a comfort station location in the heart of the southern portion of the property to be utilized by a variety of holes D:Generate a new line of play for the middle and forward tees that allows G D Dthe primary landing zone to rest in the natural topography F E:Shift the cart path to the outer edge of play for mCore usable space away Cfrom the boundary oncePT reen oncePT reenE BF:Plant a series of trees along the property edge anB d into play to furtherc gc gguard the edge and direct play to the right G:Use a series of Lakewood bunkers staked along the left side to developGreen Conceptstrategy along the extent of the landing zoneT ee e xisTing P roPosedT ee e xisTing P roPosedB lack 425yardsA B g 379395yardsold yards 425yardsD H:Place a bunker on the front left that makes a player respect it but doesTee lack Existing ards ProposedA g B 379y 395yardsold 359yards 355yardslueC not close off the runway into the front of the target. Rework the puttingBlack BW359yards 425 YardshiTe 355yardslue 340yards 340yardssurface to be slender and deep so that a variety of hole locations yieldW ed340yards 305yardsr 236yards 340yardshiTeGold g reen379 Yards 395 Yards270yardsr ed 236yards 305yardsoncePT reen Blue 359 Yards 355 YardsB inspired playg reen270yardsI:Loop Cart path around the rear of the green and tie into the new 7c g thhole.White 340 Yards 340 YardsT Consider options for available club property behind the greenee e xisTing P roPosedB lack425yards Red 236 Yards 305 YardsA g old 379yards 395yardsB lue 359yards 355yards Green 270 YardsW hiTe340yards 340yardsr ed 236yards 305yardsg reen270yards17'