b'PAR 5, SEVENTH HOLENOTES:a:t he dImensIon of theL akewood parCeL makes par5desIgna ChaLLenge-the new7 th takes fuLL advantage of a Long edgeof the property and pLays short and then over the Creek-toaCCompLIsh thIs hoLe for the Longest pLayers ,we wILL sItuate anew baCk tee PAR 5, SEVENTH HOLE for theaLong the boundary In the best LoCatIonnew LIne of pLay NOTES:a:t he dImensIon of theL akewood parCeL makes par5desIgna ChaLLenge-the new7 th takes fuLL advantage of a Long edgeb:p LaCe a range of tees aLong the LIne of pLay and aLLowof the property and pLays short and then over the Creek-toeaCh marker to use the wIde faIrway short of the Creek as theaCCompLIsh thIs hoLe for the Longest pLayers ,we wILL sItuate aprI newy LandIng zone boundary In the best LoCatIon for themar baCk tee aLong thenew LIne of pLayC: L oCate a forward tee at the start of the faIrwayb:p LaCe a range of tees aLong the LIne of pLay and aLLoweaCh marker to the wIde faIrway short Creek as thed:C oLLeCt use and ControL mIssed ofthe wIth a ruggedwater shotsI prImary LandIng zoneopen dItCh aLong the far rIght sIde of the faIrway C:L oCate a forward tee at the start of the faIrwaye:p LaCe two bunkers staCked In the hILL to provIde an up -and - over faIrway that offers graCe and ChaLLenged:C oLLeCt water and ControL mIssed shots wIth a ruggedI opendItChaLongthefarrIghtsIdeofthefaIrway f:L oCk the far sIde of the faIrway Into the Creeke:p LaCe two bunkers staCked In the hILL to provIde an up -g:- p the y C t aL e edge the propertyand overfaIrwa new t ar path aC andChaLLengeLaCe tha offersgr ong the oftobaLanCe vIew and aCCessH f:L oCk the far sIde of the faIrway Into the Creek h:s taCkL akewood bunkers aLong the Left sIde of theg:p LaCe the new Cart path aLong the edge of the propertyseCond LandIng zone to best ChaLLenge aLL pLayers from theto baLanCe vIew and aCCessH preferred edge of attaCk h:s taCkL akewood bunkers aLong the Left sIde of theI:t wIst the puttIng surfaCe and Let It ooze from theseCond LandIng zone to best ChaLLenge aLL pLayers from thehILLsIde ,workIng rIght-guard the front edge and perCh thepreferred edge of attaCkgreen wIth dynamIC bunkerIng I:t wIst the puttIng surfaCe and Let It ooze from thePAR 5, SEVENTH HOLE hILLsIde ,workIng rIght-guard the front edge and perCh theNOTES: green wIth dynamIC bunkerInga:t he dImensIon of theL akewood parCeL makes par5desIgna ChaLLenge-the new7 th takes fuLL advantage of a Long edgeof the property and pLays short and then Ma ster Plan Membership PresentationaCCompLIsh thIs hoLe for the Longest over theCreek-to a GpLayers ,we wILL sItuatenew baCk tee aLong the boundary In the best LoCatIon for thenew LIne of pLayp LaCe a range of tees aLong the LIne of pLay and aLLow Gb:marker to use the wIde faIrway short of the Creek as the FI eaCh Hole #7 Par 5 Fa zone far tee at the start of the faIrwayprImary LandIngC:L oCate forward d:C oLLeCt water and ControL mIssedshots wIth a ruggedopendItCh aLong the rIghtsIde of the faIrway e:p LaCe two bunkers staCked In the hILL to provIde an up -and - over faIrway that offers graCe and ChaLLenge DNOTES:f:L oCk the far sIde of the faIrway Into the Creek E DDg:A:The dimension of the Lakewood parcel makes par 5 design a challengeto p LaCethe new Cart path aLong the edge of the property EH baLanCe the new 7 thtakes full advantage of a long edge of the property and vIew and aCCessh:s taCkL akewood bunkerst and thsIde of the e creekto accomplish this hole for the seCond plays shor aLong the Left en over thLandIngzone to best ChaLLenge aLL pLayers from thepreferred edge of attaCklongest players, we will situate a new back tee along the boundary in the I:t wIst the puttIng surfaCe and Let It ooze from thehILLsIde ,best location for the n ew line of play workIng rIght-guard the front edge and perChthegreen wIthdynamIC bunkerIngB:Place a range of tees along the line of play and allow each marker to use the wide fairway short of the creek as the primary landing zone G C CC:Locate a forward tee at the start of the fairway FD:Collect water and control missed shots with a rugged open ditch along the far right side of the fairwayB BD E:Place two bunkers stacked in the hill to provide an up-and-over fairway E that offers grace and challenge F:Lock the far side of the fairway into the creekoncePT reenoncePT reen c gc gG:Place the new cart path along the edge of the property to balance view C and accessA Green ConceptA T ee e xisTing P roPosedH:Stack Lakewood bunkers along the left side of the second landing zoneT ee e xisTing P roPosedB lack 600yardsB lack209600yardsto best challenge all players from the preferred edge of attackTee g old Existing Proposedyards 580yardsg B 209y 580yardsold 184yards 540yardslue ardsB W184y 515yardsBlack hiTe ards 600 YardsI:Twist the putting surface and let it ooze from the hillside, working right.B lue 149yards 540yardsW ed149y 475yardsr 101yards 515yardshiTe ardsGuard the front edge and perch the green with dynamic bunkering Gold r g reen209 Yards 580 Yards435yardsed 101yards 475yardsoncePT reenBlue g reen184 Yards540 Yards435yards c gWhite 149 Yards 515 YardsA T ee e xisTing P roPosedB lack600yards Red 101 Yards 475 Yardsg old 209yards 580yardsB lue 184yards 540yards Green 435 YardsW hiTe149yards 515yardsr ed 101yards 475yardsg reen435yards18'