b'PAR 3, ELEVENTH HOLENOTES:a:L oCate theC omforts tatIon so that It Is easILy aCCessIbLefrom a number of hoLes b:C reate thIs new Long par3wIth a serIes of tees aLong thehIgh poInt on PAR 3, ELEVENTH HOLE the pondthe north sIde of the Creek and pLay overNOTES:a:L oCate theC omforts tatIon so that It Is easILy aCCessIbLeC:u nCover the Creek and make It a feature of the spaCefrom a number of hoLes d:p LaCe forward tees to demand a Long shot but funCtIonb:C reate thIs new Long par3wIth a serIes of tees aLong thewe h to pLay the nor roLL of the green-as weLL s avoIdLL short and onto aH IghpoInton new thsIde theCreekandpLayoverthepondon the10 thConfLICtC:u nCover the Creek and make It a feature of the spaCee:e xtend the Lake to the Left and feature a Cut betweend:p LaCe forward tees to demand a Long shot but funCtIonnew#8and#11 weLL to pLay short and roLL onto the green-as weLL as avoIdH ConfLICt on the new10 thf:u tILIze the InterestIng ground to estabLIsh a broadapproaCh that aCCepts shots aLong the grounde:e xtend the Lake to the Left and feature a Cut betweenG new#8and#11 g:p LaCe a kICk In bunker aLong the Left sIde that Can be ChaLLenged and aLLow for the best approaCh Into the greenf:u tILIze the InterestIng ground to estabLIsh a broadapproaCh that aCCepts shots aLong the groundh:dG eveLop and eLongated green wIth muLtIpLe subtLe LeveLsg:p st a k In IngaLthe C that Can beand unIque Ce ked bunker aLong the LeftsIdeLa aC kIC bunker ong reekJ ChaLLenged and aLLow for the best approaCh Into the greenI:u se a rugged dItCh feature to the outsIde of theh:d eveLop and eLongated green wIth muLtIpLe subtLe LeveLsapproaCh to Capture water before It ImpaCts the hoLeand unIque staCked bunkerIng aLong the CreekJF I:u se a rugged dItCh feature to the outsIde of theapproaCh to Capture water before It ImpaCts the hoLeFPAR 3, ELEVENTH HOLENOTES:a:L oCate theC omforts tatIon so that It Is easILy aCCessIbLefrom a number of hoLesMaster Plan Membership Presentationb:C reate thIs new Long par3wIth a serIes of tees aLong thehIgh poInt on the north sIde of the Creek and pLay over the pond C:u nCover the Creek and make It a feature of the spaCep LaCe forward tees to demand a Long shot but funCtIon EH d:Hole #11 Par 3weLLto short and roLL onto the green-as weLL as avoId EpLayConfLICt onthe new10 th e:e xtend theLake to the Left and feature a Cut betweennew#8and#11f:u tILIze the InterestIng ground to estabLIsh a broadapproaCh that aCCepts shots aLong the groundG NOTES: bunker aLong the Left sIde that Can beg:p LaCe a kICk InChaLLenged and aLLow for the best approaCh Into the greenA:Locate the comfort station so that it is easily accessible from a number h:d eveLop and eLongated green wIth muLtIpLe subtLe LeveLs DJ and unIque of holesthe Creek DstaCked bunkerIng aLong I:u se a rugged dItCh feature to the outsIde of theB:Create this new long par 3 with a series of tees along the high point on approaCh to Capture water before It ImpaCts the hoLeF the north side of the creek and play over the pond C:Uncover the creek and make it a feature of the space CD:Place forward tees to demand a long shot but function well to play short Cand roll onto the green as well as avoid conflict on the new 10 thholeB BE E:Extend the lake to the left and feature a cut between new #8 and #11holesF:Utilize the interesting ground to establish a broad approach that accepts shots along the ground D G:Place a kick in bunker along the left side that can be challenged and allow for the best approach into the greenoncePT reen oncePT reenAc gH:Develop and elongated green with multiple subtle leA vels and unique c gC stacked bunkering along the creekGreen ConceptT ee e xisTing P roPosedB T ee e xisTing P roPosedI:Use a rugged ditch feature to the outside of the approach to captureB lack 255yardsB g411240yardsold yards 255yardsTee lack Existing Proposedwater before it impacts the hole g B 411y 205yardslue 396yards 240yardsold ardsBlack BW396y 255 YardshiTe ards 205yardslue 389yards 175yardsW hi389y 145yardsr ed 381yards 175yardsTe ardsGold g reen411 Yards 240 Yards130yardsr ed 381yards 145yardsoncePT reenBlue g reen396 Yards205 Yards130yardsAc gWhite 389 Yards 175 YardsT ee e xisTing P roPosedB lack255yards Red 381 Yards 145 Yardsg old 411yards 240yardsB lue 396yards 205yards Green 130 YardsW hiTe389yards 175yardsr ed 381yards 145yardsg reen130yards22'