b'PAR 4, SEVENTEENTH HOLENOTES:a:L oCate the new rear tee agaInst the fenCeLIne and rIghtof the Current aLIgnment for maxImum setup dIstanCe b:L oop the Cart path down to the tees and pLaCe a turnaround PAR 4, SEVENTEENTH HOLEthat servICes most teesNOTES:a:L oCate the new rear tee agaInst the fenCeLIne and rIghtC:e xtend tee spaCe aLong the LIne of pLay to yIeLd goodof the Current aLIgnment for maxImum setup dIstanCeoptIons to the Corner for aLL pLayersooptheCartpathdowntotheteesandpLaCeaturnb:Ld:r eduCe the abILIty and to Carry the Corner of thearound that servICes most teesneedwIth an ImpressIve bunker on the InsIde and overaLLdogLegC: e t tee Ce r pL to yIeLd gooddIstanCe tha negates the ongtheLIneof yxtend spa aL Isky LIne of pLa ayoptIons to the Corner for aLL pLayerse:p LaCe two bunkers to the outsIde of pLay and LInk themd:r eduCe the abILIty and need to Carry the Corner of theto the shared CompLex on#2 -adjoInIng the begInnIng and enddogLeg wIth an ImpressIve bunker on the InsIde and overaLLof the rounddIstanCe that negates the rIsky LIne of pLayf:s horten the hoLe to a par4and brIng the green Into thee:p LaCe two bunkers to the outsIde of pLay and LInk themapproaCh-use a duaL aCCess entry wIth a CenterLIne bunker andto the shared CompLex on#2 -adjoInIng the begInnIng and endthree - LeveLed green to eLevate the Interest and CharaCter ofof the roundpenuLtImate hoLethef:s horten the hoLe to a par4and brIng the green Into theg: r Ch- a C L a pathto y wIth a vICe the17 th and, approa use dua tCCessentr ser LIne bunkerework the ar better Center greenCoLL - tr ed IC ,eLevate the Interest and CharaCter ofthree LeveL aff and returnIng to the18 th teeeCtIng greentothe penuLtImate hoLe g: r ework the Cart path to better servICe the17 th green , CoLLeCtIng traffIC ,and returnIng to the18 th teePAR 4, SEVENTEENTH HOLENOTES:a:L oCate the new rear tee agaInst the fenCeLIne and rIghtof the Current aLIgnment for maxImum setup dIstanCeMaster Plan Membership Presentationb:L oop the Cart path down to the tees and pLaCe a turn Faround that servICes most tees C:e xtend tee spaCe aLong the LIne of pLay to yIeLd good FoptIons to the Corner for aLL pLayersthe Hole #17 Par 4d:the abILIty and need to Carry the Corner of the G Gr eduCedogLeg wIthan ImpressIve bunker on the InsIde and overaLLdIstanCe thatnegates therIsky LIneofpLay e:p LaCetwo bunkers to the outsIde of pLay and LInk themto sharedCompLex on#2 -adjoInIng the begInnIng andendof the round f:NOTES: to a par4and brIng the green Into thes horten the hoLeapproaCh-use a duaL aCCess entry wIth a CenterLIne bunkerandthree - LeveLed green to eLevate the Interest and CharaCter ofthe A:Locate the new rear tee against the fence line and right of the current penuLtImate hoLe ework the Cart path to better servICe the17 th green ,Dg: r alignment for maximum setup distance CoLLeCtIngtraffIC ,and returnIng to the18 th teeDB:Loop the cart path down to the tees and place a turn around that services most teesEEC:Extend tee space along the line of play to yield good options to the corner for all players F D:Reduce the ability and need to carry the corner of the dogleg with an impressive bunker on the inside and overall distance that negates the G risky line of play E:Place two bunkers to the outside of play and link them to the shared complex on #2 adjoining the beginning and end of the round C CD F:Shorten the hole to a par 4 and bring the green into the approach. Use oncePT reen oncePT reena dual access entry with a centerline bunker and three-level green to E B B c gc gelevate the interest and character of the penultimate hole G:Rework the cart path to better service the 17 thgreen, collecting trafficGreen Conceptand returning to the 18 thtee T ee e xisTing P roPosedT ee e xisTing P roPosedA B lack 420yardsB lack487405yardsyards 420yardsA Tee g old Existing Proposedg B 487yards 405yardsold 470yards 375yardslueBlack BW470y 420 YardshiTe ards 375yardslue 458yards 355yardsC W ed458y ards 310yardsr Te 424y ards 355yardshiGold g reen487 Yards 405 Yards290yardsr ed 424yards 310yardsoncePT reen Blue 470 Yards 375 YardsB g reen290yards c gWhite 458 Yards 355 YardsT ee e xisTing P roPosedB lack420yards Red 424 Yards 310 YardsAg old 487yards 405yardsB lue 470yards 375yards Green 290 YardsW hiTe458yards 355yardsr ed 424yards 310yardsg reen290yards28'