b'PAR 4, FOURTEENTH HOLENOTES:a:b aLanCe the overaLL dIstanCe of the new14 th wIth theavaILabLe spaCe and dynamICs of thIs par4b:s tudy the optIons for a tunneL In the CrossIng ofL av Ista-PAR 4, FOURTEENTH HOLE ofImprove the overaLL aesthetICs ,safety ,and funCtIonthe hoLe wIthout NOTES: the hoLebaCktraCkIng haLfa:b aLanCe the overaLL dIstanCe of the new14 th wIth theavaILabLe spaCe and dynamICs of thIs par4 C:p LaCe forward tees In a posItIon that those pLayers Can besuCCessfuL on thIs uphILL tee shot IntheCrossIngof ab:s tudy the optIons for a tunneLLv Ista-Improve the overaLL aesthetICs ,safety ,and funCtIon ofd:C Le w a ba - t tr L Ing Ing the two bunkers aLongtheho reate muLtI Ier k haLf hoLeIthout Ck aC and zone wIth rIght sIde-they wILL appear CLoser together than they aretheIn C:p LaCe forward In a posItIon that those pLayers Can beaCtuaL CIrCumstanCesteessuCCessfuL on thIs uphILL tee shote:L eave some CrItICaL trees aLong the pLayIng CorrIdor tod:C reate a muLtI - tIer LandIng zone wIth two bunkers aLongbuffer LInes of pLay and make the Course feeL of a CertaIn agethe rIght sIde-they wILL appear CLoser together than they areIn aCtuaL CIrCumstanCesf:s hIft the green baCk sLIghtLy and aLLow for an entranCethat Is fLush wIth grade-the baCk of the green wILL rIse frome:L eave some CrItICaL trees aLong the pLayIng CorrIdor tothe naturaL topo and make the Course feeL of a CertaIn agebuffer LInes of pLay f:s hIft the green baCk sLIghtLy and aLLow for an entranCethat Is fLush wIth grade-the baCk of the green wILL rIse fromthe naturaL topoPAR 4, FOURTEENTH HOLE FNOTES:a:b aLanCe the overaLL dIstanCe of the new14 th wIth theavaILabLe spaCe and dynamICs of thIs par4 Master Plan Membership Presentationtudy the optIons for a tunneL In the CrossIng ofL a Fb:sv Ista-Improve the overaLL aesthetICs ,safety ,and funCtIon ofthe hoLe wIthout baCktraCkIng haLf the hoLe C:p LaCe forward tees In a posItIon that those pLayers Can beHole #14 Par 4d:on thIs uphILL tee shot zone wIth two bunkers aLongsuCCessfuLC reatea muLtI - tIer LandIngtherIght sIde-they wILL appear CLoser together than they areInaCtuaL CIrCumstanCes e:L eave some CrItICaL trees aLong the pLayIng CorrIdor tobuffer LInes of pLay and make the Course feeL of a CertaIn age f:s hIft the green baCk sLIghtLy and aLLow for an entranCe Dthat Is NOTES:-the baCk of the green wILL rIse fromfLush wIth gradethe naturaL topo DA:Balance the overall distance of the new 14 thwith the available space and dynamics of this par 4EEB:Study the options for a tunnel in the crossing of La Vista. Improve the overall aesthetics, safety and function of the hole without backtracking half the hole F C:Place forward tees in a position that those players can be successful on this uphill tee shot D:Create a multi-tier landing zone with two bunkers along the right side. CCThey will appear closer together than they are in actual circumstances E:Leave some critical trees along the playing corridor to buffer lines of D play and make the course feel of a certain age E F:Shift the green back slightly and allow for an entrBance that is flush with Bgrade. The back of the green will rise from the natural topo oncePT reen oncePT reen c gc gA Green ConceptA T ee e xisTing P roPosedT ee e xisTing P roPosedC B lack 385yardsB lack212365yardsyards 385yardsTee g old Existing Proposedg B 212y 345yardsold 188yards 365yardslue ardsBlack BW188y 385 YardshiTe ards 345yardslue 165yards 315yardsW hi165y ards 290yardsr ed 156y ards 315yardsTeB Gold g reen212 Yards 365 Yards265yardsr ed 156yards 290yardsoncePT reenBlue g reen188 Yards345 Yards265yards c gWhite 165 Yards 315 YardsA T ee e xisTing P roPosedB lack385yards Red 156 Yards 290 Yardsg old 212yards 365yardsB lue 188yards 345yards Green 265 YardsW hiTe165yards 315yardsr ed 156yards 290yardsg reen265yards25'