b'PAR 4, SECOND HOLENOTES:a: L oCate the baCk tee to provIde the most dIstanCe possIbLe-eLevate off the road on the naturaL hIgh as muCh as possIbLe b:p LaCe the maIn tees aLong a LIne and poInt them down theCenter of the PAR 4, SECOND HOLEpLayIng CorrIdorNOTES:a: L oCate the baCk tee to provIde the most dIstanCe possIbLeC:p rovIde optIons for aLL pLayers to take advantage of thIs-eLevate off the road on the naturaL hIgh as muCh as possIbLenew short par4wIth an aggressIve boLd pLay or strategIC LayupLaCethemaInteesaLongaLIneandpoIntthemdowntheb:pd:d of the muLtIpLe dor zones that make the pLayerCenter eveLoppLayIng CorrILandIngtheIr judgment to be suCCessfuL-short ,mIddLe ,and LonguseC:p aLLfor aI ontakeand theof s IsoptIons Can vIdeoptIons LLpLayersto ayer vantage aythro work depend ng the pL ad dCond ons par4wIth an aggressIve boLd pLay or strategIC LayupnewshortItI d:d eveLop muLtIpLe LandIng zones that make the pLayere:b reakIng thIs hoLe Into two parts removes the safetyuse theIr judgment to be suCCessfuL-short ,mIddLe ,and LongIssue aLongC ountryC LubC IrCLe and provIdes the goLf CourseoptIons Can aLL work dependIng on the pLayer and the dayswIth shot quaLItIes It does not CurrentLy haveCondItIonsf:p rovIde a heavILy guarded green that has a range ofe:b reakIng thIs hoLe Into two parts removes the safetyhoLe LoCatIons that make It pLay dIfferentLy every day-aLLowIssue aLongC ountryC LubC IrCLe and provIdes the goLf Coursefor - qua k tee shots LL onto Left portIonwIthshot C LItIes It does to ro the frontweLL stru notCurrentLyhaveof greenthef:p rovIde a heavILy guarded green that has a range ofg:LoCatIons that make It pLay dIfferentLy every day-aLLowhoLe f ormuLate a serIes of hazards and tee posItIons thatfor weLL - struCk tee shots to roLL onto the front Left portIonaLLow for the new3 rd and4 th hoLes to work In thIs new spaCeof the green g:f ormuLate a serIes of hazards and tee posItIons thataLLow for the new3 rd and4 th hoLes to work In thIs new spaCePAR 4, SECOND HOLENOTES:a: L oCate the baCk tee to provIde the most dIstanCe possIbLe-eLevate off the road on the naturaL hIgh as muCh as possIbLeMaster Plan Membership Presentationb:p LaCe the maIn tees aLong a LIne and poInt them down theCenter of the pLayIng CorrIdor C:p rovIde optIons for aLL pLayers to take advantage of thIsnew short par4wIth an aggressIve boLd pLay or strategIC LayupHole #2 s G Gd:aLL muLtIpLe LandIng zones that make the pLayerd eveLopusetheIr judgment to be suCCessfuL-short ,mIddLe ,andPar 4LongoptIons Can work dependIng on the pLayer and the dayCondItIons e:b reakIng thIs hoLe Into two parts removes the safety FIssueaLongC ountryC LubC IrCLe and provIdes the goLf CoursewIth shot quaLItIes It does not CurrentLy haveNOTES: guarded green that has a range of Ff:p rovIde a heavILy It pLay dIfferentLy every day-aLLow EhoLeLoCatIons that makefor A:Locate the back tee to provide the most distance possibleelevate off weLL - struCk tee shots to roLL onto the front Left portIonof thegreen Ef the road on the natural high as much as possibleg:ormuLate a serIes of hazards and tee posItIons thataLLow for the new3 rd and4 th hoLes to work In thIs new spaCe DB:Place the main tees along a line and point them down the center of the Dplaying corridorC:Provide options for all players to take advantage of this new short par 4 with an aggressive bold play or strategic layupD:Develop multiple landing zones that make the player use their judgment to be successfulshort, middle, and long options can all work depending G on the player and the days conditionsC CF E:Breaking this hole into two parts removes the safety issue along Country E Club Circle and provides the golf course with short qualities it does not currently haveoncePT reen oncePT reenD F:Provide a heavily guarded green that has a range of whole locations that B c gc gmake it play differently every dayalloBw for well-struck tee shots to roll onto the front left portion of the greenGreen ConceptA T e PG:Formulate a series of hazards and tee positions that allow for the newee xisTing roPosedA T ee e xisTing P roPosedB lack 295yards3 rdand 4 thholes to work in this new space B lack 435295yardsTee g old Existing Proposedyards 285yardsC g B 435yards 285yardsold 416yards 275yardslueBlack BW416y 295 YardshiTe ards 275yardslue 407yards 255yardsW ed407yards 225yardsr 359yards 255yardshiTeGold g reen435 Yards 285 Yards200yardsr ed 359yards 225yardsoncePT reenB Blue g reen416 Yards275 Yards200yards c gWhite 407 Yards 255 YardsA T ee e xisTing P roPosedB lack295yards Red 359 Yards 225 Yardsg old 435yards 285yardsB lue 416yards 275yards Green 200 YardsW hiTe407yards 255yardsr ed 359yards 225yardsg reen200yards13'