b'PAR 4, EIGHTEENTH HOLENOTES:a:p LaCe the rear tee In a baCk Left LoCatIon thatChaLLenges the best pLayers wIth the LIne of pLay and strategyof the hoLe b:d PAR 4, EIGHTEENTH HOLE ome hoLeeveLop mIddLe tee spaCe that eLongates thehroughLy20yards NOTES:a:p LaCe the rear tee In a baCk Left LoCatIon thatChaLLenges the best pLayers wIth the LIne of pLay and strategyC:e xtend forward tee optIons aLong the LIne of pLay andof the hoLefoCus the prImary LandIng zone to the Crest of the hILL b:d eveLop mIddLe tee spaCe that eLongates theh ome hoLeroughLy yardsd:m20as many trees as possIbLe aLong the edges of theaIntaIn CorrIdorC:e xtend forward tee optIons aLong the LIne of pLay andfoCus the prImary LandIng zone to the Crest of the hILLe:p LaCe a serIes ofL akewoodb unkers aLong both sIdes of the maIn LandIng zone to showCase thIs feature of the Coursed:m aIntaIn as many trees as possIbLe aLong the edges of theand make the tee shot demand aCCuraCy and dIstanCeCorrIdorf:r ework the Lake to extend Into the mIddLe of the18 the:p LaCe a serIes ofL akewoodb unkers aLong both sIdeshoLe-CreatIng drama on the Course and beauty from theof the maIn LandIng zone to showCase thIs feature of the CourseC Lubhouse grounds demand aCCuraCy and dIstanCeand make the tee shotIg:p rovIde an avenue pLay Into sIde18 thf:r ework the Lake of aLong the rIght the thetoextend themIddLeof ofhoLe e-C hIIng ama on Cayers andutyhoL Let tgher handICap pLourse pLay around the hazardto rea dr the bea fromtheC Lubhouse groundsI h:s Ituate the green to reCeIve a shot Into the front aLong g:p rovIde an avenue of pLay aLong the rIght sIde of thethe ground or In the aIr-fLag huntIng wILL be demandIng-usehoLe to Let hIgher handICap pLayers pLay around the hazardContour that deveLops great goLf and wonderfuL vIewIngHh:s Ituate the green to reCeIve a shot Into the front aLongG I:thet ake advantage of the Changes to the18 th hoLe toground or In the aIr-fLag huntIng wILL be demandIng-useCreate a one - of - a - kInd soCIaL spaCe aLong the exterIor of theContour that deveLops great goLf and wonderfuL vIewIngH C Lubhouse G I: t ake advantage of the Changes to the18 th hoLe toPAR 4, EIGHTEENTH HOLE Create a one - of - a - kInd soCIaL spaCe aLong the exterIor of theNOTES:a:p LaCe the rear tee In a baCk Left LoCatIon that F C LubhouseChaLLenges the best pLayers wIth the LIne of pLay and strategyof the hoLe Master Plan Membership Presentation b:d eveLop mIddLe tee spaCe that eLongates theh ome hoLe FroughLy20yards C:e xtend forward tee optIons aLong the LIne of pLay andthe a LandIng zone to the Crest of the hILL of thefoCus Hole #18 Par 4 Ethe prImaryd:m aIntaInas many trees as possIbLe aLong the edgesCorrIdor e:p LaCe serIes ofL akewoodb unkers aLong bothsIdesof maInLandIng zone to showCase thIs feature of the Courseand make the tee shot demand aCCuraCy and dIstanCe E D f: -NOTES: to extend Into the mIddLe of the18 th Dr ework the LakehoLe CreatIng drama on the Course and beauty from theC Lubhouse groundsI A:Place the rear tee in a back left location that challenges the best players g:p rovIde an avenue of pLay aLong the rIght sIde of thehoLe to Let with the line of play and strategy of the hole hIgher handICap pLayers pLay around the hazard h:s Ituate the green to reCeIve a shot Into the front aLongthe B:Develop middle tee space that elongates the home hole roughly 20 yards ground or In the aIr-fLag huntIng wILL be demandIng-useContour thatdeveLops great goLf and wonderfuL vIewIngHG I:C:- Extend forward tee options along the line of play and focus the primaryt akeadvantage of the Changes to the18 th hoLe toCreatea oneof - a - kInd soCIaL spaCe aLong the exterIor of theC Lubhouse landing zone to the crest of the hill F D:Maintain as many trees as possible along the edges of the corridor CCE:Place a series of Lakewood bunkers along both sides of the main landing zone to showcase this feature of the course and make the tee shot demand accuracy and distance ED F:Rework the lake to extend into the middle of the 18 thhole creating drama on the course and beauty from the clubhouse grounds G:Provide an avenue of play along the right side of the hole to let higher handicap players play around the hazardB B oncePT reen oncePT reenH:Situate the green to receive a shot into the front along the ground or in c gc gC the airflag hunting will be demanding. Use contour that develops greatGreen ConceptT ee e xisTing P roPosedgolf and wonderful viewingA T ee e xisTing P roPosedA B lack 475yardsB lack417435yardsyards 475 th Tee g old Existing ProposedyardsI:Take advantage of the changes to the 18hole to create a one-of-a-kindg B 417yards 400yardsold 380yards 435yardslueBlack lue 341yards 475 Yardssocial space along the exterior of the clubhouse BW380y 375yardshiTe ards 400yardsW ed341yards 325yardsr 284yards 375yardshiTeGold g reen417 Yards 435 Yards300yardsr ed 284yards 325yardsoncePT reen 400 YardsB Blue g reen380 Yards 300yards c gWhite 341 Yards 375 YardsT ee e xisTing P roPosedA B lack475yards Red 284 Yards 325 Yardsg old 417yards 435yardsB lue 380yards 400yards Green 300 YardsW hiTe341yards 375yardsr ed 284yards 325yardsg reen300yards29'