b'Master Plan Membership Presentationinvolved. This information will be disseminatedWHAT TYPES OF GRASSES WILL BE USED Anticipated tothe membership once total costs andON THE GREENS, FAIRWAYS AND ROUGH?Frequentlyapplicablefunding options have been carefullyExtensive discussions have taken place regarding considered by the Finance Committee andpossible turf varieties but no final decisions have recommended by the Board of Governors. been made. There are many highly desirable AskedWILL THE GOLF COURSE BE MORE ORspecies of bent and bermuda grasses for greens, LESS DIFFICULT WHEN THE PROJECTfairways and rough to be considered. Mr. Green will ISCOMPLETED? be an invaluable resource in the process of making Questions The primary goal of the Golf Course Master Planningthe selections along with Lakewood leadership to make certain the best interests of the golfers is the Committee and Mr. Green is to provide the bestpriority of the decision.possible golf experience to each player at Lakewood WHEN WOULD THE PROPOSED PROJECTCountry Club. It is expected that the proposedWHAT ARE THE EXPECTED NEXT STEPS TAKE PLACE? renovation will offer a championship test to the elite/ IN THIS PROCESS AND ASSOCIATED competitive player while giving a commensurateTIMELINES?If the project is approved by the Membership, itchallenge to those with higher handicaps. TheThe immediate next steps in this process is anticipated that the renovation would begin inemphasis will remain on providingthe bestwill include soliciting interested Golf Course earlySeptember 2025 with expected completionexperience available to each level of player. Contractors to begin the process of acquiring totake place in September 2026.estimated costs, which are anticipated to be WHAT SERVICES WILL BE AVAILABLEavailable before year-end. Additional opportunities WHAT FINANCING OPTIONS WILL BEATTHE ON-COURSE COMFORT STATION? for Membership presentations and information AVAILABLE TO THE MEMBERSHIP TOThe vision for the On-Course Comfort Stationdissemination will be provided in the coming months.FUNDTHE PROJECT? is currently under consideration. The proposed The process of projecting associated costsposition will make it convenient for golfersWe anticipate a final presentation and potential associated with all aspects of this project is into utilizethe facility after holes 5, 8 and 10. InMembership vote in spring 2024.the early stages. There are many steps requiredadditionto containing restroom facilities, talks to accurately estimate expected costs from theareongoing to determine the scope of amenities various vendors and contractors that would bethat will be offered.31'