b'PAR 4, FIFTEENTH HOLENOTES:a:p LaCe a new rear tee at the maxImum setup LoCatIon b:g rade the new tees to fIt the ground and deveLop a fewhummoCks toget the LIne of pLay LeftPAR 4, FIFTEENTH HOLErovIde a weaLth of NOTES: down the LIne of pLayC:p tee spaCe a:p LaCe a new rear tee at the maxImum setup LoCatIon d:a LIng the faIrway so that It twIsts beyond the maInb:g rade the new tees to fIt the ground and deveLop a fewLandIng zone and vaCates the spaCe onCe hoLdIng thIs hoLeshummoCks toget the LIne of pLay Leftgreen C:p rovIde a weaLth of tee spaCe down the LIne of pLay e: f ILL In the Lake and shIft the LIne of pLay to the rIghtd:a LIng the faIrway so that It twIsts beyond the maInIng zone LtIng the spaCe onCe hoLdIng thIs hoLesf:Land u se the andvaCa spaCe for an eLaborate short gameresu tesgreenpraCtICe area e:f ILL In the Lake and shIft the LIne of pLay to the rIghtg:m aIntaIn seCondary aCCess aCrossL av Ista and aLong the Campus edgef:u se the resuLtIng spaCe for an eLaborate short gamepraCtICe areah:r esIze the Lake for greater storage and aesthetICs g:m aIntaIn seCondary aCCess aCrossL av Ista and aLong theI: p aCe new green near the exIstIng short game areaCampusedge theLperCh aLong the rIdge-provIde short grass reCovery LeftandI h:r the greater storage and aesthetICsI and a sIngLe bunker rIghtesIze Lakefor G I: p LaCe the new green near the exIstIng short game areaand perCh aLong the rIdge-provIde short grass reCovery LeftI and a sIngLe bunker rIghtGFHPAR 4, FIFTEENTH HOLENOTES: Fa:p LaCe a new rear tee at the maxImum setup LoCatIon Eg rade the new tees to fIt the ground and deveLop a few Hb:Master Plan Membership PresentationhummoCks toget the LIne of pLay Left E C:p rovIde a weaLth of tee spaCe down the LIne of pLayd:a LIng the faIrway so that It twIsts beyond the maIngreen Hole#15 Par 4In and vaCates the spaCe onCe hoLdIng thIs hoLesLandIng zonee:f ILL theLake and shIft theLIne of pLay to the rIght f:u sethe resuLtIng spaCe for an eLaborate short gamepraCtICe areaDg:m aIntaIn seCondary aCCess aCrossL av Ista and aLong theCampus NOTES: Dedge h:r esIze the Lake for greater storage and aesthetICsA:Place a new rear tee at the maximum setup location I: p LaCethe new green near the exIstIng short game areaand perCh aLong the rIdge-provIde short grass reCovery LeftI and a B:Grade the new tees to fit the ground and develop a few hummocks to sIngLe bunker rIghtG getthe line of play left C:Provide a wealth of tee space down the line of play FH D:Align the fairway so that it twists beyond the main landing zone and E vacates the space once holding this holes green E:Fill In the lake and shift the line of play to the right F:Use the resulting space for an elaborate short game practice area G:Maintain secondary access across La Vista and along the campus edge D C CH:Resize the lake for greater storage and aesthetics I:Place the new green near the existing short game area and perch along oncePT reen oncePT reenthe ridge. Provide short grass recovery left and a single bunker right B B c gc gGreen ConceptT ee e xisTing P roPosedT ee e xisTing P roPosedB lack 460yardsA B g 429460yardsTee lack Existing Proposedold yards 435yardsA g B 429y 420yardsold 419yards 435yardsC lue ardsBlack BW419y 460 YardshiTe ards 420yardslue 408yards 400yardsW ed408yards 370yardsr 264yards 400yardshiTeGold g reen429 Yards 435 Yards335yardsr ed 264yards 370yardsoncePT reenB Blue g reen419 Yards420 Yards335yards c gWhite 408 Yards 400 YardsT ee e xisTing P roPosedB lack460yards Red 264 Yards 370 YardsA g old 429yards 435yardsB lue 419yards 420yards Green 335 YardsW hiTe408yards 400yardsr ed 264yards 370yardsg reen335yards26'