b'PAR 4, SIXTEENTH HOLENOTES:a:L oCate a new rear tee agaInst the path at theC Lubhouse b:p osItIon the maIn tees aLong the remaInIng hIgh poInt C:r PAR 4, SIXTEENTH HOLE ,andework the Lake for greater storage ,draInageaesthetICs pLaCe a brIdge NOTES: through the water -or Causewaya:L oCate a new rear tee agaInst the path at theC Lubhouse d:p LaCe aLL mIddLe and forward tees on the far sIde of theb:p osItIon the maIn tees aLong the remaInIng hIgh poIntwater to eLImInate an unneCessary forCed Carry C:r ework the Lake for greater storage ,draInage ,ande: r- L a brIdgeb the the onCeaesthetICs pLaCe orCausewaythrough Idor thatestore akewood unkers In Corr waterthem and defIned them as a unIque strategIC featureheLdd:p LaCe aLL mIddLe and forward tees on the far sIde of these a hummoCkf:waterto eLImInateanunneCessaryforCedCarry of sand to guardu sIgnIfICant fIeLd In pLaCe the Left sIde of the hoLee: r estoreL akewoodb unkers In the CorrIdor that onCeheLd them and defIned them as a unIque strategIC featureg:s hIft the green baCk and rIght towards the exIstIng ChIppIng green to reduCe the dIstanCe to the17 th teef:u se a sIgnIfICant hummoCk fIeLd In pLaCe of sand to guardthe Left sIde of the hoLeHg:s hIft the green baCk and rIght towards the exIstIngChIppIng green to reduCe the dIstanCe to the17 th teeG HGFPAR 4, SIXTEENTH HOLENOTES:a:L oCate a new rear tee agaInst the path at theC LubhouseFb:p osItIon the maIn tees aLong the Master Plan Membership PresentationremaInIng hIgh poInt C:r ework the Lake for greater storage ,draInage ,andaesthetICs-pLaCe a brIdge or Causeway through the water d:p LaCe aLL mIddLe and forward tees on the far sIde of thewater Hole #16 Par 4andL an unneCessary forCed Carry that onCeto eLImInatee: r estore akewoodb unkers In the CorrIdorheLdthem defIned them as a unIque strategICfeature f:u se a sIgnIfICant hummoCk fIeLd In pLaCe ofsand to guardtheLeft sIde of the hoLe E g:s hIft the green baCk and rIght towards the exIstIng ENOTES: the dIstanCe to the17 th teeChIppIng green to reduCeH A:Locate a new rear tee against the path at the clubhouse G B:Position the main tees along the remaining high point C:Rework the lake for greater storage, drainage and aesthetics. Place a bridge or causeway through the water F DD:Place all middle and forward tees on the far side of the water to eliminate an unnecessary forced carryDE:Restore Lakewood bunkers in the corridor that once held them and defined them as a unique strategic feature F:Use a significant hummock field In place of sand to guard the left side E of the holeC CG:Shift the green back and right towards the existing chipping green to reduce the distance to the 17 thtee oncePT reen oncePT reen c gD Bc gBGreen ConceptT ee e xisTing P roPosedT e P yardsA eexisTing roPosedB lack 470 A B lack 360430yardsyards 470yardsTee g old Existing ProposedC g B 360y 430yardsold 332yards 395yardslue ardsBlack BW332y 470 YardshiTe ards 395yardslue 314yards 310yardsW ed314yards 290yardsr 295yards 310yardshiTeGold g reen360 Yards 430 Yards265yardsr ed 295yards 290yardsoncePT reenBlue g reen332 Yards395 Yards265yards c gB White 314 Yards 310 YardsT ee e xisTing P roPosedA B lack470yards Red 295 Yards 290 Yardsg old 360yards 430yardsB lue 332yards 395yards Green 265 YardsW hiTe314yards 310yardsr ed 295yards 290yardsg reen265yards27'