b'PAR 3, THIRTEENTH HOLENOTES:a:p Lay the new par three( oLd#12)as the new13 th wIth asImILar varIety of tee LoCatIons b:r eaLIgn Cart path to work wIth the new routIngPAR 3, THIRTEENTH HOLEreate addItIonaL NOTES: the shortest par three forC:C tee spaCe ona:p Lay the new par three( oLd#12)as the new13 th wIth aextra wear and tear-ConneCt to the12 th green wIth faIrwaysImILar varIety of tee LoCatIons d: d eveLop a serIes of guardIng bunkers wIth a range ofb:r eaLIgn Cart path to work wIth the new routIngdepths and sIzes / shapes C:C reate addItIonaL tee spaCe on the shortest par three fore:p os-on tthe12 th In a wIth andextra wearandtear ConneC tohIgh poInt proud IrwayItIon the green the green famannerunIqued: d eveLop a serIes of guardIng bunkers wIth a range ofdepths and sIzes / shapesf:t rade the rear bunker for a rough grass depressIon e:p osItIon the green on the hIgh poInt In a proud andg: s tudy the potentIaL of a Cart path tunneL In the newunIque mannerCross - over aLongL av Ista f:t rade the rear bunker for a rough grass depressIon g: s tudy the potentIaL of a Cart path tunneL In the newCross - over aLongL av IstaJJGPAR 3, THIRTEENTH HOLE G FNOTES:a:p Lay the new par three( oLd#12)as the new13 th wIth asImILar varIety of tee LoCatIonsFMaster Plan Membership Presentationb:r eaLIgn Cart path to work wIth the new routIng C:C reate addItIonaL tee spaCe on the shortest par three forextra wear and tear-ConneCt to the12 th green wIth faIrway E d: Hole#13 Par 3 Edepths sIzes / shapes on the hIgh poInt In a proud and Dd eveLop a serIes of guardIng bunkers wIth a range ofand e:p osItIon the greenunIquemannert rade the rear bunker for arough grass depressIon Df:g: s tudy the potentIaL of a Cart path tunneL In the newCross - NOTES:over aLongL av IstaA:Play the new par three (old #12) as the new 13 thwith a similar variety of J tee locations B:Realign cart path to work with the new routing G C:Create additional tee space on the shortest par three for extra wear and tear. Connect to the 12 thgreen with fairway F D:Develop a series of guarding bunC kers with a range of depths andsizes/shapesCE E:Position the green on the high point in a proud and unique manner D F:Trade the rear bunker for a rough grass depression B BG:Study the potential of a cart path tunnel in the new cross-over along LaVistaoncePT reen oncePT reenA A c gc gC Green ConceptT ee e xisTing P roPosedT ee e xisTing P roPosedB lack 150yardsB lack396150yardsyards ProposedTee g old Existing 140yardsB old 379y 125yardsg B 396yards 140yardslue ardsBlack BW379y 150 YardshiTe ards 125yardslue 350yards 105yardsW hi318y ards 85yardsr ed 350y ards 105yardsTeGold g reen396 Yards 140 Yards75yardsr ed 318yards 85yardsoncePT reenA Blue g reen379 Yards125 Yards75yards c gWhite 350 Yards 105 YardsT ee e xisTing P roPosedB lack150yards Red 318 Yards 85 Yardsg old 396yards 140yardsB lue 379yards 125yards Green 75 YardsW hiTe350yards 105yardsr ed 318yards 85yardsg reen75yards24'