b'PAR 3, FIFTH HOLENOTES:a:p rovIde a range of setup optIons for thIs new par threeby stretChIng the tee aLIgnment aLong the avaILabLe spaCefLankIngL av Istad rIve b:u tILIze a PAR 3, FIFTH HOLE to bufferserIes of staCked bunkers and treesthe new tees from the new NOTES: 9 th faIrwaya:p rovIde a range of setup optIons for thIs new par threeby stretChIng the tee aLIgnment aLong the avaILabLe spaCeC:s Ituate the remaInIng tees In a LIne and CasCade down thefLankIngL av Istad rIvegentLe naturaL sLope b:u tILIze a serIes of staCked bunkers and trees to bufferthenew tees from new ConneCt thed:C onsIder a the L9 th faIrw two sIdes of the goLftunne to ayand deveLop a new Cart turnaround that provIdesCourseC:w ate rema sp e In a LIne and CasCade down thefunCtIon s Itu the stIng ngteesIthout wa InI aCgentLe naturaL sLopee:e nhanCe the Creek vaLLey wIth some modest gradIngd:C onsIder a tunneL to ConneCt the two sIdes of the goLfthat mImICs the naturaL CondItIon and heLps provIde a dramatICCourse and deveLop a new Cart turnaround that provIdessettIng for thIs new par3 funCtIon wIthout wastIng spaCef:a LLow the new green to feeL perChed on the Land wIthe:e nhanCe the Creek vaLLey wIth some modest gradInga sIgnIfICant the that guards the front edge of the puttI H that mImICs bunker CondItIon and heLps provIde a dramatIC ngnaturaLsurfaCe- thIs new par3 settIng for g:t a ow to feeLLongthef:hIs newthenewgreen InatesperChedonshots from pLayIngLL par three eLIm tee LandwItha the ICant of that guards the -edge of the greensIgnIf bunkerCfrontH over Corner the Lub s property pLaCIng the puttIng onsurfaCe-the naturaL pLateau and havIng the Cart path swIng around the outsIde of Its aLIgnmentg:t hIs new par three eLImInates Long tee shots from pLayIngover the Corner of theC Lubs property -pLaCIng the green onh:d eveLop a par three green that provIdes a weaLth ofG I the naturaL pLateau and havIng the Cart path swIng around theusabLe spaCe that dIffers from day to day wIth CreatIve hoLeoutsIde of Its aLIgnmentpLaCementF h:d eveLop a par three green that provIdes a weaLth ofG I I: s that turf off the puttIng wIth and hoLe apILL faIrway from day to day surfaCe throughusabLespaCe dIffers CreatIvePAR 3, FIFTH HOLE vaLLey to next tee-enhanCIng the waLkIng experIenCe whILethepLaCementNOTES: a:p rovIde a range of setup optIons for thIs new par three F separatIng the hoLesby stretChIng the tee aLIgnment aLong the avaILabLe spaCe I: s pILL faIrway turf off the puttIng surfaCe and through afLankIngL av Istad rIve Master Plan Membership Presentation vaLLey to the next tee-enhanCIng the waLkIng experIenCe whILeEb:u tILIze a serIes of staCked bunkers and trees to buffer separatIng the hoLesthe new tees from the new9 th faIrways Ituate the remaInIng tees In a LIne and CasCade down the EC: gentLe sLope to ConneCt the two sIdes of the goLfHole #5 Par 3naturaLd:C onsIder a tunneLCourse anddeveLop anew Cart turnaround that provIdesfunCtIon wIthout wastIng spaCe e:e nhanCethe Creek vaLLey wIth some modest gradIngthat mImICs the naturaL CondItIon and heLps provIde a dramatICsettIng for thIs new par3 NOTES: to feeL perChed on the Land wIthf:a LLow the new greenH a sIgnIfICant bunker that guards the front edge of the puttIngsurfaCe A:Provide a range of setup options for this new par 3 by stretching the tee- g:t hIs alignment along the available space flanking La Vista Drive new par three eLImInates Long tee shots from pLayIngoverthe Corner of theC Lubs property -pLaCIng the green onthe naturaL pLateau and havIng the Cart path swIng around theoutsIde B:Utilize a series of stacked bunkers and trees to buffer the new tees from of ItsaLIgnment G I h:d eveLop a par three green th provIdes a weaLth of DusabLespaCe the new 9fairwayhoLethatpLaCementthat dIffers from daytoday wIth CreatIve DF C:Situate the remaining tees in a line and cascade down the gentle I: s pILL faIrway turf off the puttIng surfaCe and through avaLLey to the naturalslopeexperIenCe whILenext tee-enhanCIng the waLkIngE separatIng the hoLes B BD:Consider a tunnel to connect the two sides of the golf course and develop a new cart turnaround that provides function without wastingspaceC CE:Enhance the creek valley with some modest grading that mimics the natural condition and helps provide a dramatic setting for this new par 3 F:Allow the new green to feel perched on the land with a significant oncePT reenoncePT reenAbunker that guards the front edge of the putting surA face D c gc gG:This new par 3 eliminates long tee shots from playing over the corner of B the clubs propertyplacing the green on the natural plateau and havingGreen Conceptthe cart path swing around the outside of its alignmentT ee e xisTing P roPosedT ee e xisTing P roPosedC B lack 215yardsB g219190yardsold yards 215yardsH:Develop a par 3 green that provides a wealth of usable space that differsTee lack Existing Proposedg B 219y 175yardsold 194yards 190yardslue ardsfrom day to day with creative hole placementBlack BW194y 215 YardshiTe ards 175yardslue 172yards 145yardsr 141yards 145yardsW ed172yards 125yardshiTeI:Spill fairway turf off the putting surface and through a valley to the nextGold r g reen219 Yards 190 YardsA 110yardsed 141yards 125yardsoncePT reentee enhancing the walking experience while separating the holes Blue g reen194 Yards175 Yards110yards c gWhite 172 Yards 145 YardsT ee e xisTing P roPosedB lack215yards Red 141 Yards 125 Yardsg old 219yards 190yardsB lue 194yards 175yards Green 110 YardsW hiTe172yards 145yardsr ed 141yards 125yardsg reen110yards16'