b'PAR 4, EIGHTH HOLENOTES:a:L oCate a maxImum setup tee aLong the southern borderof the property b: p Lay thIs thoughtfuL par4wIth a serIes of tees thatprovIde a PAR 4, EIGHTH HOLE LandIngpremIum on aCCuraCy and dIstanCe to thezone at the bottom of the NOTES: wILL Layup wIth an Iron orhILL-manya:L oCate a maxImum setup tee aLong the southern borderhybrId-a dIfferent CIrCumstanCe than others wIthIn the Layoutof the propertyC:d rag the pond Into the spaCe between#8and#11tob: p Lay thIs thoughtfuL par4wIth a serIes of tees thatInCrease IrrIgatIon on aCC Cy d CeLf the LandIngprovIde a premIumstorage and InspIred go toura and Istanzone at the bottom of the hILL-many wILL Layup wIth an Iron ord:m -athe thInk wCe a others of wIn , LayouthybrIdake IfferentCIrCumstanIth baLanCe wIthIdth hazardsd pLayer than the( ,dItCh ,and hummoCks )and dIstanCe wIth theIr tee shotwaterC:d rag the pond Into the spaCe between#8and#11toInCrease IrrIgatIon storage and InspIred goLfe:s hIft the Cart path aLIgnment to Cross the dam d:m ake the pLayer thInk wIth a baLanCe of wIdth ,hazardsf:r ework the waterway and dam to be sustaInabLe for the( water ,dItCh ,and hummoCks )and dIstanCe wIth theIr tee shotfuturehIfttheCartpathaLIgnmenttoCrossthedame:sg:e stabLIsh the new green to the baCk and rIght of the prevIous par3, 7-eLevate dam to susta and for thef:r ework th waterwayand Ing be aCe Le provIdethe the putt surf InabmuLtIpLe and hoLe LoCatIons-guard front rIght wIth anfuture LeveLsbunkerImpressIveg:e stabLIsh the new green to the baCk and rIght of theprevIous3, 7 th-eh:L paraC eLevatetheputtIngsurfaCandprovIde aoCate omforts tatIon that aLLows for aCCess formuLtIpLe LeveLs and hoLe LoCatIons-guard front rIght wIth annumber of hoLesImpressIve bunker h:L oCate aC omforts tatIon that aLLows for aCCess for anumber of hoLesPAR 4, EIGHTH HOLENOTES:a:L oCate a maxImum setup tee aLong the southern borderof the propertyMaster Plan Membership Presentationb: p Lay thIs thoughtfuL par4wIth a serIes of tees that HprovIde a premIum on aCCuraCy and dIstanCe to the LandIngzone at the bottom of the hILL-many wILL Layup wIth an Iron orhybrId-a dIfferent CIrCumstanCe than others wIthIn the Layout GHwater the storage and InspIred goLf wIdth , Par 4 FC:Hole #8Gd rag the pond Into the spaCe between#8and#11toInCrease IrrIgatIond:m ake pLayer thInk wIth a baLanCe of hazards( ,dItCh ,andhummoCks )and dIstanCe wIth theIr teeshot e:s hIftthe Cart path aLIgnment to Cross the damr ework the waterway and dam to be sustaInabLe for the Ff: future NOTES: E g:e stabLIsh the new green to the baCk and rIght of theprevIous par3, 7 th-eLevate the puttIng surfaCe and provIde EA:Locate a maximum setup tee along the southern border of the property muLtIpLe LeveLs and hoLe LoCatIons-guard front rIght wIth anImpressIve bunkerB:Play this thoughtful par 4 with a series of tees that provide a premium h:L oCateaC omforts tatIon that aLLows for aCCess for anumber of on accuracy and distance to the landing zone at the bottom of the hill. hoLes DMany will layup with an iron or hybrida different circumstance than Dothers within the layout C:Drag the pond into the space between #8 and #11 to increase irrigation H storage and inspired golfC CG D:Make the player think with a balance of width, hazards (water, ditch, and hummocks) and distance with their tee shot F E:Shift the cart path alignment to cross the dam E F:Rework the waterway and dam to be sustainable for the Future G:Establish the new green to the back and right of the previous par 3, D 7 th . Elevate the putting surface and provide multiple levels and holeoncePT reen oncePT reenlocations. Guard front right with an impressive bunker c gc gC H:Locate a comfort station that allows for access for a numB B ber of holes Green ConceptT ee e xisTing P roPosedT ee e xisTing P roPosedA B lack 360yardsB g366345yardsold yards 360yardsA Tee lack Existing Proposedg B 366y 335yardsold 347yards 345yardslue ardsBlack BW347y 360 YardshiTe ards 335yardslue 313yards 310yardsW ed313y 285yardsr 253yards 310yardshiTe ardsGold g reen366 Yards 345 Yards260yardsr ed 253yards 285yardsoncePT reenBlue g reen347 Yards335 Yards260yards c gB White 313 Yards 310 YardsT ee e xisTing P roPosedA B lack360yards Red 253 Yards 285 Yardsg old 366yards 345yardsB lue 347yards 335yards Green 260 YardsW hiTe313yards 310yardsr ed 253yards 285yardsg reen260yards19'