b'PAR 4, FOURTH HOLENOTES:a:p rovIde the maxImum use of spaCe by shIftIng the tees onnew#4to the Left sLIghtLy b:a LIgn the maIn tees wIth the new pLayIng CorrIdor Leftof the Current PAR 4, FOURTH HOLELIne of pLay NOTES:a:p rovIde the maxImum use of spaCe by shIftIng the tees onC:p rovIde forward tee optIons on thIs Long par four thatnew#4to the Left sLIghtLyrest wIthIn the ConfInes of the faIrwayLIgnthemaInteeswIththenewpLayIngCorrIdorLeftb:ad:s hIft the LIne of20yards Left of Its Currentofthe Current LandIng zonepLayto take advantage of the avaILabLe spaCe andConfIguratIonC:pfaIr y to opt thIs L L par fouraLLow therovIdeforwardtee ong the natura topographywa rIde aL Ionson ong thatrest wIthIn the ConfInes of the faIrwaye:p Lant a serIes of tees to buffer the new aLIgnment of#2 d:s hIft the LandIng zone20yards Left of Its Currentand#3 ConfIguratIon to take advantage of the avaILabLe spaCe andaLLow the faIrway to rIde aLong the naturaL topographyf:u tILIze hummoCks Instead of sand to Let the dogLeg moveLeft and deveLop strategIC LInes of pLay from eaCh teee:p Lant a serIes of tees to buffer the new aLIgnment of#2 and#3 g:C onneCt the seCond haLf of the goLf hoLe wIth the J f:u ey aLong the sIde ,restI to Let t gr astream vaLL hummoCks Left of sand ng the thedogLegmovetILIze Instead shor ass LongIts upper edge strategIC LInes of pLay from eaCh teeLeft and deveLop h:f C onneCt the se the haLf of the goLf of the byg:urther utILIze Cond naturaL beauty hoLewIththIs groundJ stream vaLLey aLong the Left sIde ,restIthe short grass aLongContInuIng the stream as far down the ng as possIbLe beforeI Its upper edge road hoLegoIng under the h:f urther utILIze the naturaL beauty of thIs ground byI:s Ituate the puttIng surfaCe aLong the upper edge of theContInuIng the stream as far down the hoLe as possIbLe before 15 I stream sLope and shIft It baCk roughLy yardsH goIng under the road j:I:C onsIder ways to deveLop LongL upperLvs Ituate the puttIng surfaCea the Ing for a Istaa tunne Cross edgeoftheIn thIs sLope-It15yards seem to Lendstream andshIft ade and aCCess neededLoCatIon the gr baCkroughLyPAR 4, FOURTH HOLE H to thIs treatmentthemseLvesNOTES: j:C onsIder ways to deveLop a tunneL CrossIng forL av Istaa:p rovIde the maxImum use of spaCe by shIftIng the tees onnew#4to the Left sLIghtLy In thIs LoCatIon-the grade and aCCess needed seem to LendMaster Plan Membership Presentation themseLves to thIs treatmentb:a LIgn the maIn tees wIth the new pLayIng CorrIdor Leftof the Current LIne of pLayGC:p rovIde forward tee optIons on thIs Long par four thatrest wIthIn the ConfInes of the faIrways hIft Gd:the LandIng zone20yards Left of Its Current#2 Hole #4 Par 4ConfIguratIon to take advantage of the avaILabLespaCe andaLLowthe faIrway to rIde aLong the naturaL topography e:p Lant a serIes of tees to bufferthe new aLIgnment ofand#3 u tILIze hummoCks Instead of sand to Let the dogLeg move Ff: Left NOTES: LInes of pLay from eaCh tee Fand deveLop strategIC g:C onneCt the seCond haLf of the goLf hoLe wIth theJ stream A:Provide the maximum use of space by shifting the tees on new #4 to the vaLLeyaLong the Left sIde ,restIng the short grass aLongIts upper edgef left slightlyof thIs ground by Dh:urther utILIze the naturaL beautyContInuIng the stream as far down the hoLe as possIbLe beforeI goIng under the road DB:Align the main tees with the new playing corridor left of the current line I:s Ituate of playaLong the upper edge of thethe puttIng surfaCeH stream sLope and shIft It baCkroughLy15yards E j:C onsIder ways to deveLop a tunneL CrossIng forL av Ista EIn thIs C:Provide forward tee options on this long par 4 that rest within the LoCatIon-the grade and aCCess needed seem to LendthemseLves to confines of the fairway thIs treatmentD:Shift the landing zone 20 yards left of its current configuration to take G Cadvantage of the available space and allow the fairway to ride along the Cnatural topography F E:Plant a series of tees to buffer the new alignment of #2 and #3 F:Utilize hummocks instead of sand to let the dogleg move left and D develop strategic lines of play from each tee B BG:Connect the second half of the golf hole with the stream valley along theoncePT reenoncePT reenleft side, resting the short grass along Its upper edge c gc gEH:Further utilize the natural beauty of this ground by continuing theGreen ConceptT ee e xisTing P roPosedC A eexisTing roPosedstream as far down the hole as possible before going under the roadT e P yardsA B lack 465 B g557440yardsold yards 465yardsTee lack Existing ProposedI:Situate the putting surface along the upper edge of the stream slopeg B 557yards 440yardsold 528yards 425yardslueBlack lue 510yards 465 Yardsand shift it back roughly 15 yardsBW528y 385yardshiTe ards 425yardsW ed510yards 315yardsr 388yards 385yardshiTeB Gold g reen557 Yards 440 YardsJ:Consider ways to develop a tunnel crossing for La Vista in this location.r ed 388yards 280yards315yardsThe grade and access needed seem to lend themselves to thisoncePT reen 280yardsBlue g reen528 Yards425 Yardstreatment gcWhite 510 Yards 385 YardsT e PA B eexisTing roPosed Red 388 Yards 315 Yardslack 465yardsg old 557yards 440yardsB lue 528yards 425yards Green 280 YardsW hiTe510yards 385yardsr ed 388yards 315yardsg reen280yards15'