b'PAR 5, NINTH HOLENOTES:a:p LaCe the newC omforts tatIon In a pLaCe CentraL toa vast number of hoLes and styLe It In a manner that fIts thefabrIC of theC Lub andC ourse b:L oCate PAR 5, NINTH HOLE the new11 th optIons for a shared baCk tee wIthNOTES:a:p LaCe the newC omforts tatIon In a pLaCe CentraL toC:p LaCe the maIn tee up and to the rIght to aLLow thosea vast number of hoLes and styLe It In a manner that fIts thepLayers the best aCCess Into the heart of the faIrway on thIs newfabrIC of theC Lub andC oursepar5 -open the Creek ChanneL In front of the tee to provIde the greatest naturaL aesthetIC shared baCk tee wIth the new11 th b:L oCate optIons for a d:ap L maIn teetoto aLL IrC:LLow the forwardupand yers to estabLIsh the drIveaCethe tee pLa therIght owthosefrom the ar sIde of ess nto ey heart of the faIrway on thIs newpLayers f best aCC I vaLLthe the thepar5 -open the Creek ChanneL In front of the tee to provIde thegreatest naturaL aesthetICe:a LIgn the new Cart path aLong the Left sIde of the hoLe and meander It aLong the topographyd:a LLow the forward tee pLayers to estabLIsh theIr drIvefrom the far sIde of the vaLLeyI f:C reate an InterestIng bunker CombInatIon that proteCtsand frames the LIne of pLay In a strategIC manner thehoLee:a LIgn the new Cart path aLong the Left sIde ofand meander It aLong the topographyg:e stabLIsh a new seCond LandIng area wIth one bunker I f:C reate sIde and the key tree aLong the LeftaLong the rIght an InterestIng bunker CombInatIon that proteCtsand frames the LIne of pLay In a strategIC manner h:d eveLop a serIes of CrItICaL approaCh bunkers that askg:e stabLIsh a new seCond LandIng area wIth one bunkerthe pLayer to be boLd or Lay baCk and pLay a smart thIrd IntoaLong the rIght sIde and the key tree aLong the LeftthIs puttIng surfaCe H I:h:m d eveLop a serIes of CrItICaL approaCh bunkers that askove the green away fromL av Ista and surround bythe pLayer to be boLd or Lay baCk and pLay a smart thIrd Intosand In a dramatIC fashIonthIs puttIng surfaCe H I:m ove the green away fromL av Ista and surround byG sand In a dramatIC fashIonPAR 5, NINTH HOLENOTES:a:p LaCe the newC omforts tatIon In a pLaCe CentraL to Ga vastnumber of hoLesand styLe It In a manner that fItsthefabrIC of theC Lub andC ourse Master Plan Membership Presentation b:L oCate optIons for a shared baCk tee wIth the new11 thC:p LaCe the maIn tee up and to the rIght to aLLow thosepLayers the best aCCess Into the heart of the faIrway on thIs newpar5 -the Creek ChanneL In#9theHole of the tee to provIdeopen frontgreatest naturaL aesthetICd:a LLow the forward tee pLayersto estabLIsh theIrPar 5drIvefromthe far sIdeof the vaLLey e:a LIgn the new Cart path aLongthe LeftsIde of the hoLeand meander It aLong the topographyFI f:NOTES: bunker CombInatIon that proteCtsC reate an InterestIngandframes the LIne of pLayIn a strategIC manner EFg:A:Place the new comfort station in a place central to a vast number of aLong e stabLIsh a new seCond LandIng area wIth one bunker Ethe rIghtsIde and the key tree aLong theLeftd holes and style it in a manner that fits the fabric of the club and course h:eveLop a serIes of CrItICaL approaCh bunkers that askthe pLayer to be boLd or Lay baCk and pLay a smart thIrd IntothIs B:Locate options for a shared back tee with the new 11 thholeputtIng surfaCe H I:m ove the green away fromL av Ista and surround bysand In C:Place the main tee up and to the right to allow those players the best a dramatIC fashIonG access into the heart of the fairway on this new par 5. Open the creek channel in front of the tee to provide the greatest natural aesthetic DD:Allow the forward tee players to establish their drive from the far side Dofthe valley E:Align the new cart path along the left side of the hole and meander it along the topography FE F:Create an interesting bunker combination that protects and frames the line of play in a strategic manner G:Establish a new second landing area with one bunker along the rightoncePT reen oncePT reenC Cside and the key tree along the left c gc gD H:Develop a series of critical approach bunkers that ask the player to beGreen ConceptB B T ee e xisTing P roPosedbold or lay back and play a smart third into this putting surfaceT ee e xisTing P roPosedA B lack 530yardsA Tee B lack 529Proposedyards 530yardsg old Existing 510yardsI:Move the green away from La Vista and surround by sand in ag B 529yards 475yardsold 490yards 510yardslueBlack lue 456yards 530 YardsdramaticfashionBW490y 465yardshiTe ards 475yardsW ed456yards 375yardsr 427yards 465yardshiTeGold g reen529 Yards 510 YardsC 370yardsr ed 427yards 375yardsoncePT reenBlue g reen490 Yards475 Yards370yards c gWhite 456 Yards 465 YardsB T ee e xisTing P roPosedA B lack530yards Red 427 Yards 375 Yardsg old 529yards 510yardsB lue 490yards 475yards Green 370 YardsW hiTe456yards 465yardsr ed 427yards 375yardsg reen370yards20'