b'PRACTICE AREAS AND ARRIVALa:L akewood needs to Improve the arrIvaL sequenCe , praCtICe faCILItIes ,and overaLL operatIonaL LaunCh of thepLayer from the fIrst tee-sInCe the parkIng M aster Plan Membership PresentationLotIs too smaLL fortheC Lubs needs now ,It Is CLear that a parkIng garage aLongg aston Is goIng to happen-the onLy questIon Is when b:w Ith a new garage In pLaCe ,vaLuabLe spaCe wIthIn thefootprInt of the Current parkIng Lot Can hoLd addItIonaL goLfheart Practice Area & ArrivalComponents-the fIrst beIng an expansIve puttIng green In theof the operatIonaL Center(p roposeda rea : 8,500sf- e xIstIngu pper3,800sfe xIstIngL ower- 4,200sf )C: t o manage the arrIvaL ,a new stagIng area and bag dropwILL beestabLIshed to quICkLy and effICIentLy move through thespaCe-two - way traffIC ways wILL enhanCe the ConneCted natureof the spaCe d:NOTES: and parkIng wILL be avaILabLe ,as weLLa ddItIonaL stagIngas underground Cart storage LInked to these spaCes e:A:Lakewood needs to improve the arrival sequence, practice facilities and overall operational launch of the player a n Indoor performanCe Center/hIttIng buILdIng wILL InCrease the member teaChIng experIenCe-aLong wIth modernCLub fIttIng from the first tee since the parking lot is too small for the clubs needs now. It is clear that a parking garage along and teChnoLogy benefIts f:a t the ba Ck of the renovated range teeo happen, the only question is when weather Gaston is going t wILL be18aLL -hIttIngstatIonsB: grass tee wILL ew gar and to the rIghtg:t he-With a n expand baCk age in place, valuable space within the footprint of the current parking lot can hold additional golf maInsIgnIfICantLy from22,000sf to over35,000sf- 160 %h: t he components. The first being an expansive putting green in the heart of the operational center (Proposed area: fIrst green wILL be a sCorIng target that aLLows fora range of short Iron and wedge shots to be pLayed to a LIfeLIkesurfaCe 8,500 square feet. Existing upper area: 3,800 square feet. Existing lower area: 4,200 square feet)I:a ddItIonaL reaLIstIC targets wILL be pLaCed aLong therevIsed C:To manage the arrival, a new staging area and bag drop will be established to move through the space quickly and rangefLoor and staggered ,favorIng the Left sIde toImprove the spaCe for mIssed shots to the rIghtefficiently. Two-way traffic ways will enhance the connected nature of the space j:aserIes of trees aLong the rIght sIde wILL be evaLuated- as many that Can stay wILL-to buffer the goLf Course from theD:Additional staging and parking will be available as well as underground cart storage linked to these spaces praCtICe area k:aAn indoor performance center/hitting building will increase the member teaching experience along with modern any E: - party vendor wILL evaLuate the net heIght andthIrdpossIbLeadjustments as part of thIs proCessclub fitting and technology benefits K F:At the back of the renovated range tee will be 18 all-weather hitting stations G:The main grass tee will expand back and to the right significantly from 22,000 square feet to over 35,000 square J feet (a 160% increase)I H:The first green will be a scoring target that allows for a range of short iron and wedge shots to be played to a lifelike surface H I:Additional realistic targets will be placed along the revised range floor and staggered, favoring the left side to improve the space for missed shots to the right J:A series of trees along the right side will be evaluatedas many that can stay willto buffer the golf course from E G the practice area F K:A third-party vendor will evaluate the net height and any possible adjustments as part of this processD B CA30'